Prevention And Early Intervention
The Prevention and Early Intervention Network (PEIN) represents organisations and individuals working in children, family and community services throughout Ireland who are committed to developing a prevention and early intervention-led approach to service planning and delivery. PEIN focuses on the most effective ways of building a protective layer of support to stop difficulties from arising in the first place and providing support at the earliest possible stage when they do occur.
Ireland has been at the forefront of supporting Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) initiatives through partnership approaches between The Atlantic Philanthropies, NGOs, state agencies and Government since 2004. We are leaders in the design, implementation and evaluation of evidence based and evidence informed PEI services. PEIN harnesses this energy and expertise from its members to provide a collaborative PEI-focused environment and a cohesive voice for the sector.
Our Network
Since its establishment in 2010, the Prevention and Early Intervention Network (PEIN) has been channelling the commitment, expertise and experience of our many members, and the various perspectives that they bring. PEIN provides members with opportunities to learn, share, challenge and collaborate in a supportive environment. Together we promote effective approaches and provide a cohesive voice in the child and family sector.
The case for prioritising prevention and early intervention at both government policy and practice level has become increasingly important. In the period since our establishment, Ireland has been through a recession and a global pandemic. The ongoing fallout from both continues, in parallel with national crises in housing and health provision. The heaviest burden is carried by vulnerable children and families. PEIN works to highlight the weight, impact and solutions to this burden.
Our Vision
That every child, young person, family and community in Ireland is supported to be all that they can be, through the provision of timely, appropriate and integrated information, advice and services that are planned and delivered prioritising prevention and early intervention.
Our Mission
Meet our Executive Committee
Meet our Team
Some Key Advocacy Wins
What Research Tells Us
The efficacy of prevention and early intervention initiatives in improving outcomes for children has been and continues to be rigorously evaluated. There is substantial international evidence that investment in PEI supports in early childhood pays substantial returns over the lifetime of the child.
There is no better way of investing in Ireland’s future than by ensuring that our youngest citizens are enabled to achieve their full potential. By providing children and their families with the necessary supports at the earliest possible opportunity in their lives, we increase their opportunities for better outcomes. Children should not be required to wait or to miss out.
Some Key Messages
We know that Prevention and Early Intervention:
in short…