Transnational partners met in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth on August 29th to share the key learning and resources from a 3-year Erasmus+ collaboration. The research and subsequent outputs advocate a child centered approach to supporting transitions, with parents welcomed as partners in the process. While full research reports and a training guide will be made available over the coming weeks, the training handbook was launched at the event. Breaking the major components of transitions into thematic units (environments, disabilities, language, cultural diversity etc.) the guide provides accessible information on identifying and meeting children’s needs. It was developed to expand the toolkit of everybody involved in supporting transitions, from parents to teachers and Early Years practitioners to Special Needs Assistants. Including research and experience from Ireland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Cyprus and the UK, the guide presents an overview that focuses on the common issues across all countries. After all, we may speak different languages and be guided by different policies and practice but we share one vision – to support children to have meaningful, happy transitions from preschool to primary school.
Click here to access the Transitions Training Guide
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