News & Updates
Lyndsey Anderson joined as Coordinator with PEIN in November 2019. Lyndsey comes to us having worked most recently with three […]
The city of Leiden in The Netherlands was the location for the third International Learning Exchange which took place between […]
Every childhood lasts a lifetime: PEIN Seminar and Position Paper Launch Date: October 14th, 2019 Time: 10am to 1pm – Lunch will […]
The Prevention and Early Intervention Network (PEIN) brings together evidence-based practice, advocacy and research organisations seeking to improve outcomes for children, young people and families and to promote quality, evidence-based / evidence-informed practice in prevention and early intervention.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have a detrimental impact on health and wellbeing throughout life. The World Health Organisation (WHO 2011) identifies ACEs as a major public health priority and estimate that 250 million children globally fail to reach their potential due to early childhood adversity.
Prevention and early intervention should be at the forefront of all child health policies A call for greater prevention […]